Where do I start?!? I’m excited for this new adventure and have so many ideas running amok in my neurodivergent brain. Yay ADHD! Ok not so much but, still, ideas!
I’m in the process of spookifying murder pack loft, which is also my office, for the blog and Halloween. Which leads to HALLOWEIRD! Yup, today’s item involves one of my most beloved non-profits, the Wolf Conservation Center in Salem, NY. I miss Atka! He was their ambassador for quite some time; his antics have been watched far and wide around the world.

Hard to believe this handsome fella has been part of the spirit pack since 2018. His legacy is truly immortal. I’ve always found myself all schoolgirl sigh happy over this wolf! I didn’t have the opportunity to visit the center before Atka crossed Rainbow Bridge. But I do know this, my spirit guardian is one of his brothers. Even if in spirit only. Go giant white wolf of mine! That’s probably why I was always drawn to Atka and his amazing personality.
Please consider making a donation to WCC today, in the memory of Atka, for Gish, a loved one, or yourself. WCC does amazing work and is home to many canids.
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